Landing in Dominica 2011
American Eagle landing in Melvill Hall, Roseau Dominica. Dominica is truely the nature Island of the Caribbean. I will post another video with some wonderful pics from that trip which i will post in another video. The Commonwealth of Dominica (in this video) should not [Read More]
Driving in Dominica
I've been everywhere but nowhere compares to Dominica. Driving in the nature island from canefield to springfield. [Read More]
Hiking In Dominica – Hiking In Dominica’s Beautiful Waitukubuli Hiking Trail
Hiking In Dominica – "Experiences Caribbean" offers every hiker the great challenge and experience of negotiating a hiking trail that mimics an unending military training obstacle course. Hiking In Dominica A piece of paradise that displays nature at its best, the beautiful Caribbean island of [Read More]