
Responsible tourism in Dominica

Dominica is widely recognised as a world leader in responsible tourism. It was the first ever country to receive a Benchmark designation by international eco-tourism organisation Green Globe, back in 2004. The islands success comes from the fact that it has not had to develop [Read More]

Responsible tourism in Dominica

Dominica is widely recognised as a world leader in responsible tourism. It was the first ever country to receive a Benchmark designation by international eco-tourism organisation Green Globe, back in 2004. The islands success comes from the fact that it has not had to develop [Read More]

Dominica Legacy of Pirates – остров Доминика наследие пиратов

Документальный познавательный фильм "Доминика наследие пиратов" на острове Доминика, не путайте с Доминиканской республикой – это легендарная Доминика !!! На этом острове проходили съёмки фильма Пираты карибского моря 2-3. Второе в мире по величине кипящее вулканическое озеро, первое в Новой Зеландии. Омывается остров с одной [Read More]